Tuesday, July 1, 2014

How to Install Arch Linux on Asus Chromebox

Asus Chromebox

I decided to write down the instruction how to install Arch Linux on Asus Chromebox. I replaced my Raspberry Pi with Asus Chromebox as TV media box recently and such instruction will be useful in the case if I want to repeat installation.
I just want to warn - it does not create dual boot with ChromeOS and it just replaces ChromeOS with Arch Linux. I’m fine with such result, because I don’t need ChromeOS on my TV. XMBC is my choice for a TV media box.

Monday, April 7, 2014

How to enable I2C (IIC) in Raspberry Pi

The simple instruction for enabling I2C interface in Raspberry Pi (Rasbian).

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Coursera courses

At the beginning of February I've been enrolled for two courses:
The both of courses are fundamental for areas where my interest  is high. Lets see how I will accomplish that, because the previous attempts were no so good for me, so many distractions didn't allow me to finish them in 2013 year. I hope I will be motivated enough for the next 6 weeks.